OwnYourShop.com is a leading eCommerce enabler (ASP) targeting SME around the globe.
OwnYourShop.com brings you enterprise level eCommerce features like coupons and up-selling without the hassle of investment in expensive hardware, software and bandwidth. Your shop cost is purely based on the number of products you wish to make available on your Web site! Our low monthly rates make OwnYourShop.com the perfect eCommerce solution for your business.
We would like to hear from you, to contact us, please refer to the following
Asia Pacific - Hong Kong (Main Office)
29D Admiralty Center, Tower One
18 Harcourt Road
Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2760-8233
Fax: (852) 2760-8611
Email: info@ownyourshop.com
North America - Vancouver
Suite 898
141-6200 McKay Ave.
Burnaby, B.C., Canada
V5H 4M9
Tel: 1-800-WEB-0268
Fax: (240) 201-8650
Email: info@ownyourshop.com
Office Hours
9:00 am - 6:00 pm (Mon - Fri) and 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (Sat)